


Editor's Choice 2009編輯選擇獎2009年

One of the most popular guitar lesson courses online, Jamorama has long been a great way to learn the guitar on your own for a low price.其中一個最受歡迎的吉他課課程在線, Jamorama長期以來一直是一個偉大的方式學習吉他在您自己的低價格。

Jamorama doesn't assume you have an prior knowledgeable about playing guitar, but takes you from a complete beginner to a competent intermediate guitar player. Jamorama不承擔您有一個事先了解彈吉他,但需要您從一個完整的初級到中級主管的吉他手。

Ben Edwards and the team over at Jamorama did a good job of creating an entry-level guitar learning product that is easy to use, contains thorough instruction, and is fun at the same time.本茲和車隊在Jamorama的工作做得很好,創造一個入門級的吉他學習的產品,容易使用,包含透徹的指示, 很有趣的同時。 They have a downloadable version of the course as well as a physical version they can ship.他們有一個可下載的版本的過程,以及身體的版本,他們可以船舶。 Because of the price difference however, we recommend you get the downloadable version.由於價格差異,但我們建議您下載的版本。

Guitar Lesson Reviews 吉他課評論 Rating評分
Learn and Master Guitar 學習和掌握吉他 5天吉他課程
Jamplay Jamplay 5天吉他課程
Guitar Tricks 吉他技巧 5天吉他課程
Jamorama Jamorama 5天吉他課程
Team Method Guitar 團隊方法吉他 4.5星吉他課程
Speed Learning System 高速學習系統 4星吉他課程
Amazing Guitar Secrets 神奇吉他秘密 4星吉他課程
Guitar and Bass 吉他和貝司 4星吉他課程
Lead Guitar Secrets 鉛吉他秘密 3.5星吉他課程
Gigajam Gigajam 3.5星吉他課程
Guitar Hotshot 吉他新星 3星吉他課程
Music Master Pro 音樂碩士專業 3星吉他課程
Fret2Fret Fret2Fret 2星吉他課程
* Bold denotes Editor's Choice *粗體表示編輯選擇獎


Included in the Jamorama course are 2 huge downloadable guitar learning books which break down the course into separate lessons (15 lessons in book 1# and 26 lessons in book #2).包括在Jamorama當然是2巨大下載吉他學習書籍分解成不同的過程的經驗教訓( 15教訓圖書1 #和26教訓圖書# 2 ) 。 The lessons are super-easy to get into and aren't difficult to understand.這些經驗教訓是無比輕鬆地進入,而不是很難理解。

There are also great video and audio that go with the course books.也有很大的視頻和音頻的選擇課程書籍。 There are almost 150 video examples for you to use.近150視頻例子供您使用。 The jam tracks that are included are super-high quality as well.果醬軌道,而且還包含有超高質量。 You can choose to play with the accompaniment track if you are just starting to learn the song, or you can take the lead guitar part with the 'muted' guitar track version.你可以選擇播放的伴奏追踪如果您是剛開始學習這首歌,或者您也可以起帶頭作用的吉他部分的'靜音'吉他軌道版本。

Jamorama did a great job of adding extra bonuses that you will find very useful. Jamorama做的非常出色的增加額外的獎金,你會發現非常有用。 Here are some of the software bonuses included in the package:以下是一些軟件獎金包中包含:

Guitar Tuner Pro - Probably the best digital tuner we've come across so far. 吉他調音器專業版 -也許是最好的數字調諧器我們已經遇到迄今。

Guitar Ear It! - An great tool you can use to develop your ear for chords. 吉他耳它! -一個偉大的工具,您可以使用它來開發你的耳朵的和弦。

Jayde Musica Pro - A creative game where you can learn to read and memorize notes or use to recognize notes by ear. Jayde音樂專業 -一種創造性的遊戲,您可以學習閱讀和背誦筆記或使用承認說明耳朵。

Jamorama Metronome - A digital metronome that actually sounds like a metronome. Jamorama節拍器 -數字節拍器,實際上聽起來像節拍器。

UPDATE: Recently, Jamorama included a free 30-day membership to Song Pond ( SongPond.com ), if you purchase the Jamorama guitar software. 最新資料:最近, Jamorama包括一個30天免費會員宋池SongPond.com ) ,如果您購買的Jamorama吉他軟件。 This makes Jamorama an even sweeter deal.這使得Jamorama甚至甜蜜處理。


Here are a few actual screenshots from the Jamorama course.下面是一些實際截圖從Jamorama當然。



Jamorama has online and email support options available. Jamorama了在線和電子郵件支持可供選擇。 In our tests, we contacted them several times and they got back to us within 48 hours each time.在我們的測試中,我們和他們聯繫好幾次,他們回來,我們在48小時內每次。 Like many online courses are starting to do these days, Jamorama has a support forum available for their members.像許多在線課程已經開始做這些天來, Jamorama有一個支持論壇供其成員。

Ease of Use易用性

Jamorama's material is very easy to read and follow along with as there are many illustrations and examples provided as you progress. Jamorama的物質是非常容易閱讀和後續連同由於有很多插圖和實例提供您的進展。 It's worth noting that quite recently, Jamorama upgraded their download format to Jamorama Maestro! This format makes the course much easier to download and work with as you don't have to go searching for all the files and folders you downloaded; Everything you need for each lesson is available from within the lesson.值得注意的是,最近, Jamorama升級其下載格式Jamorama大師!此格式的過程變得更加容易下載,並與你不用去搜索所有文件和文件夾您下載;你所需要的一切的每堂課可教訓。 You also only have to download a single file from their member's area to get started. This is a huge time saver.你也只需要下載一個文件從其成員國的地區開始使用。 這是一個巨大的節省時間。


Jamorama has a software for both the PC and the Mac. Jamorama有一個軟件的個人電腦和Mac 。


Jamorama has a risk-free, 60 day money back guarantee. Jamorama具有無風險, 60天退款保證。 If you don't like it for any reason, you can send them an email and get a prompt refund.如果你不喜歡它的任何理由,您可以發送的電子郵件和他們取得迅速退款。


Jamorama's price is equal to the cost of a couple private half-hour guitar lessons, but you'll come out much farther ahead with Jamorama's course material and software. Jamorama is awesome value for the money . Insider Information: We heard that the folks over at Jamorama are planning on raising the price of this course, so we suggest you take advantage of the current pricing before it goes up! Jamorama的價格等於成本的一對夫婦私人半小時的吉他教訓,但你會走出多遠推進Jamorama的課程材料和軟件。 Jamorama令人生畏物有所值內幕信息:我們聽到,人們對在Jamorama正計劃提高價格的這門課程,因此我們建議您利用目前的定價前不用了!

Conclusion 結論

Jamorama is the perfect choice for a beginner-intermediate guitar player who wants a solid guitar course without spending a whole whack of money. Jamorama是最佳選擇是初學者,中級吉他手誰想要一個堅實的吉他當然不花一個整體失衡的錢。 When it comes to software-based guitar lessons, this well-produced course is in a class by itself. You won't regret picking Jamorama up .當涉及到軟件為基礎的吉他教訓,這一良好的生產過程是一類本身。 您不會後悔選擇Jamorama




Editor's Choice 2009编辑选择奖2009年

One of the most popular guitar lesson courses online, Jamorama has long been a great way to learn the guitar on your own for a low price.其中一个最受欢迎的吉他课课程在线, Jamorama长期以来一直是一个伟大的方式学习吉他在您自己的低价格。

Jamorama doesn't assume you have an prior knowledgeable about playing guitar, but takes you from a complete beginner to a competent intermediate guitar player. Jamorama不承担您有一个事先了解弹吉他,但需要您从一个完整的初级到中级主管的吉他手。

Ben Edwards and the team over at Jamorama did a good job of creating an entry-level guitar learning product that is easy to use, contains thorough instruction, and is fun at the same time.本兹和车队在Jamorama的工作做得很好,创造一个入门级的吉他学习的产品,容易使用,包含透彻的指示, 很有趣的同时。 They have a downloadable version of the course as well as a physical version they can ship.他们有一个可下载的版本的过程以及身体版本他们可以船舶。 Because of the price difference however, we recommend you get the downloadable version.由于价格差异,但我们建议您下载的版本。

Guitar Lesson Reviews 吉他课评论 Rating评分
Learn and Master Guitar 学习和掌握吉他 5天吉他课程
Jamplay Jamplay 5天吉他课程
Guitar Tricks 吉他技巧 5天吉他课程
Jamorama Jamorama 5天吉他课程
Team Method Guitar 团队方法吉他 4.5星吉他课程
Speed Learning System 高速学习系统 4星吉他课程
Amazing Guitar Secrets 神奇吉他秘密 4星吉他课程
Guitar and Bass 吉他和贝司 4星吉他课程
Lead Guitar Secrets 铅吉他秘密 3.5星吉他课程
Gigajam Gigajam 3.5星吉他课程
Guitar Hotshot 吉他新星 3星吉他课程
Music Master Pro 音乐硕士专业 3星吉他课程
Fret2Fret Fret2Fret 2星吉他课程
* Bold denotes Editor's Choice *粗体表示编辑选择奖


Included in the Jamorama course are 2 huge downloadable guitar learning books which break down the course into separate lessons (15 lessons in book 1# and 26 lessons in book #2).包括在Jamorama当然是2巨大下载吉他学习书籍分解成不同的过程的经验教训( 15教训图书1 #和26教训图书# 2 ) 。 The lessons are super-easy to get into and aren't difficult to understand.这些经验教训是无比轻松地进入,而不是很难理解。

There are also great video and audio that go with the course books.也有很大的视频和音频的选择课程书籍。 There are almost 150 video examples for you to use.近150视频例子供您使用。 The jam tracks that are included are super-high quality as well.果酱轨道,而且还包含有超高质量。 You can choose to play with the accompaniment track if you are just starting to learn the song, or you can take the lead guitar part with the 'muted' guitar track version.你可以选择播放的伴奏追踪如果您是刚开始学习这首歌,或者您也可以起带头作用的吉他部分的'静音'吉他轨道版本。

Jamorama did a great job of adding extra bonuses that you will find very useful. Jamorama做的非常出色的增加额外的奖金,你会发现非常有用。 Here are some of the software bonuses included in the package:以下是一些软件奖金包中包含:

Guitar Tuner Pro - Probably the best digital tuner we've come across so far. 吉他调音器专业版 -也许是最好的数字调谐器我们已经遇到迄今。

Guitar Ear It! - An great tool you can use to develop your ear for chords. 吉他耳它! -一个伟大的工具,您可以使用它来开发你的耳朵的和弦。

Jayde Musica Pro - A creative game where you can learn to read and memorize notes or use to recognize notes by ear. Jayde音乐专业 -一种创造性的游戏,您可以学习阅读和背诵笔记或使用承认说明耳朵。

Jamorama Metronome - A digital metronome that actually sounds like a metronome. Jamorama节拍器 -数字节拍器,实际上听起来像节拍器。

UPDATE: Recently, Jamorama included a free 30-day membership to Song Pond ( SongPond.com ), if you purchase the Jamorama guitar software. 最新资料:最近, Jamorama包括一个30天免费会员宋池SongPond.com ) ,如果您购买的Jamorama吉他软件。 This makes Jamorama an even sweeter deal.这使得Jamorama甚至甜蜜处理。


Here are a few actual screenshots from the Jamorama course.下面是一些实际截图从Jamorama当然。



Jamorama has online and email support options available. Jamorama了在线和电子邮件支持可供选择。 In our tests, we contacted them several times and they got back to us within 48 hours each time.在我们的测试中,我们和他们联系好几次,他们回来,我们在48小时内每次。 Like many online courses are starting to do these days, Jamorama has a support forum available for their members.像许多在线课程已经开始做这些天来, Jamorama有一个支持论坛供其成员。

Ease of Use易用性

Jamorama's material is very easy to read and follow along with as there are many illustrations and examples provided as you progress. Jamorama的物质是非常容易阅读和后续连同由于有很多插图和实例提供您的进展。 It's worth noting that quite recently, Jamorama upgraded their download format to Jamorama Maestro! This format makes the course much easier to download and work with as you don't have to go searching for all the files and folders you downloaded; Everything you need for each lesson is available from within the lesson.值得注意的是,最近, Jamorama升级其下载格式Jamorama大师!此格式的过程变得更加容易下载,并与你不用去搜索所有文件和文件夹您下载;你所需要的一切的每堂课可教训。 You also only have to download a single file from their member's area to get started. This is a huge time saver.你也只需要下载一个文件从其成员国的地区开始使用。 这是一个巨大的节省时间。


Jamorama has a software for both the PC and the Mac. Jamorama有一个软件的个人电脑和Mac 。


Jamorama has a risk-free, 60 day money back guarantee. Jamorama具有无风险, 60天退款保证。 If you don't like it for any reason, you can send them an email and get a prompt refund.如果你不喜欢它的任何理由,您可以发送的电子邮件和他们取得迅速退款。


Jamorama's price is equal to the cost of a couple private half-hour guitar lessons, but you'll come out much farther ahead with Jamorama's course material and software. Jamorama is awesome value for the money . Insider Information: We heard that the folks over at Jamorama are planning on raising the price of this course, so we suggest you take advantage of the current pricing before it goes up! Jamorama的价格等于成本的一对夫妇私人半小时的吉他教训,但你会走出多远推进Jamorama的课程材料和软件。 Jamorama令人生畏物有所值内幕信息:我们听到,人们对在Jamorama正计划提高价格的这门课程,因此我们建议您利用目前的定价前不用了!

Conclusion 结论

Jamorama is the perfect choice for a beginner-intermediate guitar player who wants a solid guitar course without spending a whole whack of money. Jamorama是最佳选择是初学者,中级吉他手谁想要一个坚实的吉他当然不花一个整体失衡的钱。 When it comes to software-based guitar lessons, this well-produced course is in a class by itself. You won't regret picking Jamorama up .当涉及到软件为基础的吉他教训,这一良好的生产过程是一类本身。 您不会后悔选择Jamorama

Check Out Jamorama Now! Why Online Guitar Lessons? 离店Jamorama吧! 为什么在线吉他教训呢?